Monday, September 29, 2008

New Constitution

At the same time as the Elections are happening in the states, the people of Ecuador have just passed a new constitution. It has been the rage for the whole time I've been here. Literally every wall in Quito has ¡!Vota Si! or ¡Vota No! Also any different combinations. I believe the constitution passed with about 75% aproval rating. It is about the same level of aproval for the president Rafeal Correra. The new constitution gives more opportunities, especially education to the poor. Services like electricity and water are going to become goverment owned. One thing that is really interesting is that it is obilagatory to vote in Ecuador. When you vote you recieve a card that you must present at work, for documents and the police will ask for it. It seems like a good system. Only one percent of the population over 18 didn't vote. I didn't have school today because my school was a voting station and they are cleaning up and rearanging everything today. But it is the only three day weekend I'm expecting all year... my school has a reputation to keep.

I would encourage everyone to read my friend Adam's blog for another piece on the constitution. It is titled ¿Si o No?

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