I never finished writing about the Capoiera show... everything went smoothly. I completed my routine without errors and watched some really amazing stuff. All of the different teachers in Quito had a show, and so I was able to watch some really great stuff. There are some people in this world that are practically inhuman... and I want to be the same. There were groups of kids who were like 7 doing some really crazy handstand stuff, a twelve year old who could do crazy flips... it was really just a shock! After all of the shows were finished there was the part in which the beginers recieved there first rope. In Capoiera there are circles in which you fight in... but it isn't really fighting becuase you never really want to hurt the other person except when it is a really high level. For the first rope you fight with a teacher, and when they get an opportunity they will put you on the ground. And then you recieve your rope. I have to say that I was nervous... before was the kids and watching them recieve there ropes was really cool. Some of them were really amazing. I ended up being last to fight... I'm not really sure how but they skipped over me and I fought last. I ended up holding my own and the teacher I was fighting with never was able to find an opportunity to take out my legs. He stopped, and it just kinda ended, I was bummed becuase I was really wanting to see one of these guys put me down. And then as I went to recieve my belt they were short one and I didn't get it... aand I still haven't gotten it... but it isn't that important. For the second rope it was an open circle, which is normal, just enter when you want to, that was pretty cool, I got to see my sister fight. She did really well and at the end all of the people recieved there ropes. After it had ended, the guy from Brazil told me that I did really well... so that was cool! The whole thing was really amazing... the live music and the vibe of the whole thhing was amazing. I saw some of the crazyest things I've ever seen a person do in my life... I am really inspired to get good! I just need to practice lots! The second thing was the party of my school that was a couple of weeks ago... it was horrible. The cops showed up and told everyone under 18 had to leave... But it was a school party, the kids doing it rented the place and obviously there were going to be a bunch of people under 18. I had honestly thought that the cops do almost nothing here, but really they bust school parties. Of course they sell alcohol there but, they do in every other place. So anyways, it was a bust. I didn't have much money so we went to a cheap disco and danced for a couple of hours. I got my money back, but it was a real bummer. I had a great mask and everything...
Bueno, so I have got two fotos of the Capoiera show... the one with me on the far right is after everyone recieved there ropes... but I didn't get mine. The guy on my right is another kid who practices with me. And on his right is my instructor Kury!
The other photo is of my sister after she finished her thingy. She is the one smiling and looking at the camera...
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