Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Month

Tomorrow will be one month in Ecuador! I am really amazed at how fast this time has gone by. Thanks again everyone for everything, my exchange really wouldn't have been possible without you!
I want to encourage everyone to comment or email me. It is kinda hard to write in my blog, but I'm encouraged when I here from my friends and family. So please give me feedback, ask questions, I want to inform everyone about my expirience in Ecuador. So please let me know your feelings. Especially if you are reading this and I don't have contact info for you.

Thanks All, this expirience is Amazing, I am learning so much and am growing in so many new ways! Nine or Ten months to go!!!!!!! Whoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Viva Ecuador. Entonces, si tu conoces español, vas a hablar conmigo en español. Yo necesito practicar!
Chao por ahorita


Jake said...

Glad to hear its going well.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we ARE reading your blog... and thinking about you everyday. As a matter of fact, I have the picture of you three (you, Alexa and Alyssa) on my bulletin board right above my computer.

You seem to have started your exchange first... so, any words of wisdom for your fellow exchange students?

Anonymous said...

Wow Alex! this is so amazing! You look and sound like you're having a lot of fun!
Madison Knox

Anonymous said...

Hola hermano! que e pdria decir! me alegroq ue todo este saliendo batsnte bien en tu intercmabio! sabes me he portado bastante ingratu chucha pero no tienes idea lo dificil que es esta vida universitaria!1 tengo tantas huevadas qwue hacer! paso bastante ocupado peor ya me voy a dar mas tiempo pa ver si nos vemos cabron!1 te extraño bastante!! y es enserio! cambiaste mi vida! masomenos! tampoco te alago cabron! peor eres un bue hermano amigo y sigue adelante loco!! que esto es solo el comienzo!! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE compañero!! cuidate y no olvides que te queiro como a un hermano verdadero!

Anonymous said...

He disfrutado bastante tu "blog" Alex. Gracias por pintarnos una pictura de Ecuador y tu vida. Jennifer (la mamá de Alyssa)