So I'm going to Portoviejo with the other 121 Rotary exchange students in Ecuador. But I completely forgot to write about the Spanish classes that we had. So anyways I had two weeks of spanish lessons on the first couple of days of school. I really didn't learn much but after one day of class there was a conference and dinner with DK Lee, the president of rotary international. It was all pretty boring but the vice president of Ecuador was there (he is wheelchair bound, he was shot in the back by a robber one day while he exited his house.) Dk Lee is the man in the center and you can probably tell who are the exchange students. My mom is on the far right. The Spanish lessons were cool because I got to know the other 30 some exchange students in Quito! DK Lee is Korean, he spoke about the goals of this year and the challenges that rotary encounters. So at least I can say I have met the President of Rotary international!
1 comment:
was up alex. how u doing in the south. ill be proud to tellu that at this moment i have good grades without studying at all and slacking a lot. soccer is almost over and my coach is mad at me cause i got a yelllow card. ya pretty lame. he pretty much said to me i shouldnt play soccer. powder puff was tonight and we got destroyed. i was taunting the other teams a lot so my voice hurtz. so thats pretty much was going on with me. i love u and keep calling maybe oneday ill be home so i can talk to u. peace dude .
p.s. im borrowing some of your clothes for hippy day plz dont be mad k
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