Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa more pictures! thanks everyone for being patient. The first picture is me in my uniform that I wear on mondays. The second is in the Teleferico. I think I forgot to write about it but I went up there with my dad and my sister on my last day of summer. It is a gondola which takes you up to the top of Cruz Loma which is 4100 meters above sea level. it is really cool. From there it is a three hour hike to the top of Ruco Pichincha, I hope to do this in the coming months. The view of the city from the top is spectacular. Quito is in a Valley sorrounded by mountains. The valley is huge. There are mountains in the valley and other valleys. For example when people ask me where I live I respond: The Valley. I live in the south of quito and the elevation is less so I guess that it signifies the valley. I would guess that the valley is probably about double the size of the Rogue valley. But then again I'm not really sure of what parts are considered to be in the valley here, because it stretches out in the South.
Sounds like an amazing experience. Have you started to dream in Spanish yet? I remember when I went on an exchange to France I eventually began to dream in French. Kind of disconcerting...
Take Care,
Jess & Woody
It is so good to see a picture of you. I miss that smiling face of yours at home. But I know how happy you are in your new home so I am happy.
I love you,
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