Saturday, October 25, 2008

School update

I just finished reading my first book in Spanish, I read Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. It was really cool, it took three weeks but I was actually reading and understanding in Spanish! Also I just changed a bunch of things around. Before I had 13 classes but I just dropped five off them, it is much more manageable. I actually don't know what to do with my free time. I dropped Sociologia, Psicologia, Monografia, Recreacion and G4. So I don't have classes on Saturday, and I get out at 1:40 every day except monday, when I leave at 4. I am really happy! I think that I am going to start taking breakdancing on fridays, and on mondays, wendesday, and friday salsa! Life should become a lot more fun for me, before it was really just school. I have eight classes and CAS the community service class (the class is every monday). My classes now are: historia, ingles, español, biologia, sistemas ambientales, economia, matematicas and one other but I'm not going to sit hear trying to work through this brain fart... oh I remembered, TOK, it is Filosofia kinda but there is a Philosophy class... but it is cool. I really am going to do nothing in history, it seriously is horrible. But the other classes I am taking for real. History is perfect for sleeping because it is always in the morning and the teacher just talks and talks. But other than that school is normal... I spend my breaks running around bothering people and playing hackysack... Tonight there is a school party at a disco and it is a masked party... I am pretty stoked. To be totally honest I actually brought my countryfair mask and horns. Just before I left my mom thought it would be a good idea and it was!

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