Monday, September 1, 2008

My First Week Part 1

I guess that I have realized that it is way to hard to write on a day by day basis, my goal is to soak it all in and it is hard when your trying to record what has already happened. So anyways my point is that I'll get to the highlights.
On Sunday I went to a profesional soccer game. It was really fun and intense, I was in the cheering section, I guess that is my way to describe it but essentially the section where everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs, waving flags and most likely drunk. It was tons of fun, I was trying to chant along but in reality I was just faking it. Liga, my new team, one two to one. It was a good game. I went to church that night, it was very different for me but I enjoyed parts of it. I really didn't understand a thing from the sermons. I guess that while I am here I'm a Catholic.
I have said some funny things since I have been in Ecuador, for example that monday I went shopping with my mom and sister for my school uniform, it is bad for me because I have to wear a blazer and tie on mondays and on all the other days a uniform of slacks and longsleeve dress shirts, gone are the days of shorts. While we were out I said that I would like to have kids instead of I like having brothers. it freaked my mom out for a little while until I realized my mistake.
I have gotten to understand how to use the buses in Quito, it is interesting because the buses are used by the majority of the people in Quito, they are very common for petty theft, and the bus drivers will race to pick up people. It is all very challenging for me since all I have ever used is a bike to get around where I live.

By the way, to all those people reding my blog, I would really appreciate comments or emails. I want to here the responses of the people back home, so if you can please do. Thanks for all the support back home, I really appreciate everyone who has contacted me.


Anonymous said...

As you posted to Alexa's blog, it's fun to read the exchange experiences from all over the world. The experience of adjusting, however, is the same no matter where you go. ;-) I really admire you for diving in there. Mistakes often present the best kind of learning. DW

Debra said...

Hi Alex,

I just read your blog and it is so good to hear your voice and enthusiasm coming from the written words. Life sounds exciting and how great that you are able to speak so much Spanish! I admire how easily you were able to take this adventure and just embrace the experience. you don't seem a bit homesick so you must be very comfortable in the world and trust that it is a good place. your family sounds wonderful. you are lucky to have them and they are very lucky to have you. as part of your biological family i feel very blessed to have such a nephew as you.

i think i will model my attitude after yours. you are such a positive bright light in the world and you always expect the best and that everything is going to work out beautifully.

i love and miss you lots. debra

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex, It is wonderful to be so connected to you! I'm so proud of the way you have embraced this new experience, although I'm not surprised. Your new family sounds wonderful and they seem to appreciate the amazing person that you are. I read your blogs to Nani and Poppa and they were thrilled that you are adjusting so well and are so happy. I love you!

Auntie Lori

Anonymous said...

Wow Alex, it sounds like you're having an awesome experience. I'm so excited for you and all the exchange students around the world. I think this experience you guys are on will enrich our culture throughout the world. I'm glad you're having fun. Thanks for keeping us posted! Jennifer (Alyssa's mom)

Anonymous said...

Glad to be able to write to you.
Really enjoyed reading your letters you posted. Nannie surely enjoyed them. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Got your latest " My First Week Part 1". Sounds like you have a full session. I'm going to make a copy of this for Nannie/Pappie to read. They will be glad to see how you are doing.Keep up the good work.
Unc Roger