Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My First Week Part 3

Continued.... Well the other things that happened during the week was more learning about where I live and all the places in it. I have started practicing capeoira, a brazilian martial art, it is really fun for me. I need to do more exersizes because if I don't I'll probably get fat, my mami thinks that I need to eat a massive amount of food every day. It is kinda frustrating. But anyways my first week had a couple of other interesting happenings first was that I met with my rotary club. It was an interesting expirience, first because my sister and I were a half an hour late. We had capeoira, and had to walk to the meeting. My rotary club here is very serious. They read off all the rules and made it very clear that all must be obeyed to the letter. It was kinda frusturaating but whatever. I was most bothered when we were told that things are different in Ecuador and that the streets are dangerous, this is true but all that is needed is atentiveness, the bad people are only a small percentage, so in my opinion it was a little over the top. I told them that I had talked with people and that most are very open, kind people. It was pretty hard to try and argue in spanish but I think I did a good job. Also, naother thing that was hard was when I was told I would have to change families, the problem is that I really love my family and they love me too. It would also be really weird because my sister and I go to the same school and have many of the same classes. I live aabout an hour by bus away from my school, the other family lives about a half an hour farther away in a car. There is no bus service and it would make my life excruciatingly more difficult.
I met the other two rotary exchange students in my club. Hannah from germany, and Roisin from belgium. The family I would have to change to would be hannah's family. Anyway I really don't have much to say about Roisin because truthfully I don't want to speak english and she speaks only english and she is very quiet and introverted. Hannah is an extrovert like me and the times we have been together have been fun. She knows Gentleman, a german reggae group, and she waants to speak in spanish too.
The rotary meeting was thursday. That same day I went to the Mariscal with my brother and his girlfriend. It is the touristy part of Quito, tons of Discos and signs in English as well as Spanish. We met up with a good friend of my brother, Louis, he is very fun and big hearted. I hope that we will be able to hangout even though my brother is in Germany right now.
Friday I went to Sangolqui, another city in the same valley as Quito, the Geography is that everything is in one gigantic valley with mountains and other valleys inside of it. I went there and slacklined in the park with my sister and her friend. It was a clear blue skied day and very peaceful.

Finally I'm done with the first part of my week, I still have so much to write about bear with me everyone! Thanks again for all the support back home. Life here is fast paced and epic, I am really trying to soak it all in!

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