Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Second Week

When I got back from Portoviejo, I was really sick. For the first day I was pretty sick and didn't do anything. The second day was better, but when I finally got completely better I got an eye infection that lasted for about five days. The week was really about my brother. He left for Germany on Saturday September 6th. The whole week I spent driving around the city finishing things that he needed to get done for him and me. I needed a censo, an ID card that identifies me as a student in Ecuador. I am not a tourist so in addition to my visa in my passport I needed the Censo which gives me some benifits of a citizen in Ecuador. For example, when I go to the Galapagos it will only cost me $10 with my censo but $200 without it. My Ñaño, brother en Quechua, needed more papers and official documents for his exchange. So the week was pretty uneventfful exept for the suprise going away party for my bro. My sister and I worked all day preparing for the party, cleaning, organizing and making banners etc. Some friends helped us too. My bro was out with his girlfriend. When he returned to the house he found about 30 friends waiting for him. It was a really fun expirience for me. I remembered all of my friends and how much love I recieved before I left, it was like an arriving party for me. All of our preperations that were put up in five hours were torn down in five minutes. But that didn't matter, because it was an epic party.

1 comment:

lexi said...

Oh, weird - I just was at a surprise birthday party and am now getting sick! I wonder if us Ashland kids have some sort of werid bond? I wonder is Alyssa is going through the same thing?

Have you had trouble writing in English, though that is just a Rotary thing, because I am having a really hard time reading and writing!